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Cloud-Native Management Platform / IDP

01. Market Insights for Platform Engineering

What's all the buzz about platform engineering? What are the experts saying about it? Why do enterprises need it?

02. Digital Transformation Requires Modern Software Applications

Digital Transformation is undeniably important, as it will likely determine the success or failure of a business.

03. Modern Software Application (vs Traditional)

So, what is a modern software application, and how does it differ from traditional software applications?

04. The Challenge of Modern Application Development

Making a modern software application is not easy. Why do these efforts fail so often?

05. The Rise of the Internal Developer Platform

A well designed Internal Developer Platform (IDP) reduces cognitive load.

06. What's a Cloud Native IDP?

Platform engineers must develop their IDPs quickly, because developers can't deliver apps until the IDP is ready.

07. The Business Benefits of a Cloud Native IDP

A cloud native IDP will make application developers more productive.

08. How Kubernetes Changed Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering in a frenzied push for application modernization has left many organizations mired in their cloud native initiatives

09. What Platform Engineers Must Have in Their IDP

Multi-cluster networking is a foundation requirement of a cloud native IDP because things like GitOps and observability require connectivity between clusters.

10. Audio Event for What Happened to Platform Engineering

🎙️ Welcome to an engaging audio-event recording!

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