IaC and Simplified Configuration and Secrets Management
KAOPS helps you to increase consistency and security with automated provisioning, configuration, and management of infrastructure resources and secrets.

KAOPS helps you to increase consistency and security with automated provisioning, configuration, and management of infrastructure resources and secrets.
Reliable and Fast Deployment
Use K8s APIs to Provision and Manage Infrastructure with Crossplane Cloud Native Control Plane Framework
Leverage Terraform IaC Provider to Re-Use Configurations, Reduce Manual Errors, and Increase Productivity
Simplified and Centralized Cloud Secrets/Security Configurations
Manage and ensure proper protection of critical data with CloudTruth
Encrypt your Kubernetes secrets with SealedSecrets
Ensure Certificates Are Valid and Up to Date with cert-manager
Obtain, Renew, and Manage SSL/TLS certificates with Let's Encrypt
KAOPS allows you to add any tools you want to its unified cloud-native management reference platform. As a starting point, you get key integrated advanced practices and capabilities for:
Multi-Cloud Management
Application Performance Monitoring
Platform Engineering / Internal Developer Platform (IDP)