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Nethopper Unveils Kubernetes Application Operations (KAOps) Platform

Writer's picture: Chris MunfordChris Munford

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

Integrating ArgoCD GitOps with Multi-Cluster Application Networking

BOSTON, MA, USA, August 25, 2022 / --, the pioneer of Kubernetes Application Operations (KAOps) Platform as a service, today announced the addition of ArgoCD GitOps to the platform. It is an industry first to combine ArgoCD GitOps with the power of multi-cluster application networking and the ease-of-use of a cloud-based PaaS. Nethopper’s platform allows application operations teams to accelerate deployments to any Kubernetes clusters in any cloud(s), securely. Nethopper delivers on-demand multi-cluster ArgoCD GitOps that automates changes to the application deployments with Git as a single source of truth for declarative configurations, making Kubernetes application deployments fast, secure, reliable, and dramatically simpler.

"Argo started out as a way of enabling organizations to declaratively build and run cloud native applications and workflows on Kubernetes using GitOps techniques. After joining CNCF as an incubating project in 2020, we could never have imagined the growth and enthusiasm the community would experience," said Chris Aniszczyk, CTO, CNCF. "Argo is now used by over 185 organizations and trusted by end users like Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), Ticketmaster (NASDAQ: TKTM), and WordPress.”

Nethopper’s ArgoCD GitOps eliminates the complexity of manually deploying many application objects to many clusters. This accelerates application deployment, while increasing quality, and without compromising security. In fact, Nethopper’s implementation improves security beyond standard ArgoCD by removing the need to expose the Kubernetes API to the internet or any network. It also monitors running applications and detects and remediates out-of-sync Kubernetes applications. This minimizes downtime and recovery time, with fast rollouts and rollbacks of features.

“Today’s announcement marks an important milestone in our vision, execution and commitment to making cloud native applications easy to operate across private, hybrid, edge, and multi-cloud,” said Chris Munford, founder and CEO of Nethopper. “ArgoCD GitOps is now part of our KAOps platform, which is a new approach to operations that combines continuous delivery with skupper multi-cloud application networking to provide an unprecedented level of simplicity, security, and observability,” he said. “What makes Nethopper’s KAOps so powerful is that we leverage skupper to extend the reach of each of our Ops tools, such as ArgoCD, to all of the customer’s chosen clusters, globally. This creates a single central operations hub across many applications and many clusters, as opposed to replicating operation efforts, one for each application and/or each cluster. In comparison, Nethopper’s KAOps dramatically reduces operations overhead, unplanned downtime, and the attack surface for cybersecurity threats.”

ArgoCD GitOps is now part of our KAOps platform, which combines continuous delivery with skupper multi-cloud application networking, for unprecedented level of simplicity, security, and observability.” — Chris Munford, founder and CEO of

Nethopper Unveils KAOps Platform for Kubernetes Operations

As enterprises continue to adopt Kubernetes to run their applications in an ever growing number of private, edge, and public clouds, the need for simple, secure and effective operations grows at an even greater rate. Nethopper KAOps continues to differentiate as it frees application operations teams from having to build, customize, integrate, and support a unique operations stack of their own. The KAOps platform helps enterprises to focus resources on developing more features and improving business outcomes. Also, the improved operations allow them to release applications updates more frequently, and recover from failures faster.

Nethopper's ArgoCD GitOps

Nethopper’s ArgoCD GitOps enables application operations teams to handle the application operations as code in a Git version control system. A software agent ensures the deployed state of an application matches the desired state, as declared in the configuration files in Git. And it also makes application and lifecycle deployment automated, auditable, and easy to understand.

Nethopper KAOPS with ArgoCD
KAOPS integrates with Argo CD

Key differentiators for Nethopper KAOPS platform:

  • Makes it simple, easy, and fast to get started, requiring just 30 seconds from signup to ArgoCD server on-demand access

  • Provides enterprise support

  • Prevents cluster Kubernetes APIs from being exposed to the network/internet (a common industry security violation)

  • Has multi-cluster application sets built in

  • Works with all clouds and Kubernetes distributions

  • Automates deployment of application to Kubernetes clusters in any cloud

  • Secures inter-cluster container communication

  • Increases visibility and control with a single pane of glass for all clusters and applications

Key features:

  • Automated deployment of applications to specified target environments

  • Support for multiple config management/templating tools (Kustomize, Helm, Jsonnet, plain-YAML)

  • Ability to manage and deploy to multiple clusters

  • Rollback/Roll-anywhere to any application configuration committed in Git repository

  • Health status analysis of application resources

  • Automated configuration drift detection and visualization

  • Automated or manual syncing of applications to its desired state

  • Web UI which provides real-time view of application activity

  • Audit trails for application events and API calls

  • Parameter overrides for overriding helm parameters in Git

Availability & Pricing:

  • Available now, with flexible consumption-based pricing

  • Try the FREE tier! No credit card information is required to sign up


  • Going to ArgoCon 2022? Let's meet & greet at the event. Can't wait? Contact us today. Also, don't forget to follow us on social media: LinkedIn, Twitter

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